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Version: 1.11.0

Application export from Epinio and transfer to another cluster

Epinio provides the ability to export all parts of a running application and then use these to run the application in a different cluster.

This only applies to the core application itself, and not to configurations and services it may need or was bound to in the origin cluster.


Exporting an application APP is trivially done by running the command

epinio app export APP /path/to/a/directory/of/your/choice/

After the command has run the chosen directory has the 3 parts of the application needed to run it elsewhere, namely:

  • app-image.tar; The application's runtime image as generated by the staging process and saved into a tar archive as generated by docker save.

  • app-chart.tar.gz; The application chart used to deploy the application.

  • values.yaml; The configuration of the application chart. This part references the application image. This reference is only valid for the origin cluster.


To import APP into a new cluster

  1. Run docker load app-image.tar to import the image and its layers into the local docker setup. The output has a line referencing the Loaded image ID. This is the hash of the loaded image and needed in the next step.

    Note. Don't use docker import, nor docker image import for this. While these commands do store the image into the local docker similar to load they don't preserve the layering, nor the Entrypoint information coming with these. It's the Entrypoint information which makes the result unusable.

  2. Run docker tag HASH REGISTRY/ORG/NAME:TAG where HASH is the hash of the image as reported by the previous step. REGISTRY, etc. are arbitrary values chosen by the importer. The REGISTRY is optional, that is, would default to dockerhub. If set, it has to refer to an actual registry the destination cluster is able to pull from.

  3. Run docker push REGISTRY/ORG/NAME:TAG to save the image to the chosen registry. Without this step the image would only exist locally and couldn't be pulled later.

  4. Edit the imageURL field in the file values.yaml to replace the existing image reference, valid only for the origin cluster, with REGISTRY/ORG/NAME:TAG.

  5. Edit the domain/id information of the routes section of values.yaml, to prevent clashes with the instance of APP running on the origin cluster. This isn't necessary if APP wasn't kept running on the origin cluster.

  6. Edit the appName field in values.yaml, if required.

  7. Run helm upgrade --install NAME app-chart.tar.gz --values values.yaml to deploy the modified application on the destination cluster under the chosen release name.