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Version: 1.11.0

Debugging an application


To debug a Java application you have to set the BPL_DEBUG_ENABLED environment variable to true. You can do this with the Epinio CLI app env set command:

epinio app env set samplejava BPL_DEBUG_ENABLED true

After the application has restarted (to integrate the change of the environment), use port forwarding to attach the debugger. It runs by default on the port 8000:

epinio app port-forward sample 8000:8000

This forwards the traffic coming from localhost:8000 to the remote :8000.


To debug a Node application you need to start the application with the --inspect flag. Your package.json has to be similar to:

"name": "nodejs-sample-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"start": "node --inspect index.js"

After deploying the application , use port forwarding to attach the debugger. By default, it runs on port 9229:

epinio app port-forward sample 9229:9229

This forwards the traffic coming from localhost:9229 to the remote :9229.