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System requirements

General requirements​

Consider these system requirements to be minimal. It's almost certain that you'll need more resources for typical development and production workloads.

OS/Kubernetes 1Linux: RKE2, K3s, K3d, Rancher Desktop
Windows, macOS: Rancher Desktop
CPU2–4 vCPUs
Memory8 GB RAM (system memory + 4 GB)
Storage10 GB Disk space (system disk + 5 GB)
1 Linux: x86_64, arm64 and s390x; macOS: x86_64, arm64 (Epinio CLI only); Windows: x86_64

General installation requirements​

  • An installed kubectl CLI tool with access to the Kubernetes cluster via configured kubeconfig file
  • An installed Helm CLI tool

Kubernetes requirements​

  • A Kubernetes cluster v1.20-v1.28
  • An optional, but recommended, deployed cert-manager resources
  • A deployed metrics-server resources
  • A deployed Ingress Controller as Traefik or nginx-ingress with default IngressClass set
  • A deployed Persistent Volume Provisioner as Longhorn or local-path providing a default StorageClass. For preference, use access mode ReadWriteMany (RWX).
  • Optional. You need an external load-balancer solution in conjunction with an Ingress controller for exposing Epinio HTTP(S) workload on the Internet. More information here.

Default IngressClass​

Although there are ingress controllers that can work without the definition of a default IngressClass, it's recommended to use the default IngressClass, with the annotation "true".

Default StorageClass​

You will need a default StorageClass, with annotation "true".