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Version: 1.11.0

Installing Epinio on public clouds

Epinio can be installed on any Kubernetes distribution, including those provided by public clouds.

Public clouds configuration​

Microsoft AKS​

AKS prerequisites​

  • Epinio has been tested with AKS version v1.21.9
  • To try out Epinio, two Standard_D2_v2 nodes are enough

Create an AKS cluster​

If you don't have an existing cluster, follow the quickstart to create an AKS cluster.


In AKS, Epinio must be installed with an external registry. Due to a change in Azure using the internal registry is no longer possible.

Amazon EKS​

EKS prerequisites​

  • Epinio has been tested with EKS version v1.22, v1.23 and v1.24
  • To try out Epinio, two t3a.large nodes are enough

Create an EKS cluster​

If you don't have an existing EKS cluster, follow the quickstart to create one.

Details are in the dedicated EKS documentation.

Google GKE​

GKE prerequisites​

  • Epinio has been tested with GKE version v1.21.9
  • To try out Epinio, one n2-standard-4 node is enough

Create a GKE cluster​

If you don't have an existing GKE cluster, follow the quickstart to create one.

Install Epinio​

Follow the Epinio installation process.


If you have issues using Epinio's Traefik component or Ingress controllers, refer to the Traefik section in the Advanced Topics document.