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Version: 1.8.1

Creating an RKE2 Kubernetes Cluster

This guide will help you to deploy a suitable RKE2 Kubernetes cluster for Epinio. More details can be found in RKE2 quickstart guide.

Install RKE2 Kubernetes cluster​

The following steps are performed using the root account on a dedicated machine for the RKE2 server node.

1. Run the installer, start and enable the rke2-server systemd service​

curl -sfL | sh -
systemctl enable --now rke2-server.service

2. Configure environment variables for operating the RKE2 cluster​

Execute the following commands in the RKE2 node shell and/or store them in the /root/.bashrc file (or its equivalent) for persistence.

export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin:/opt/rke2/bin
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml

Make sure that you are able to communicate with your new RKE2 cluster by running kubectl get pods --all-namespaces.

RKE2 cluster prerequisities​

Perform the following steps on your RKE2 node before installing Epinio:

1. Install helm CLI​

curl | bash

2. Configure rke2-ingress-nginx-controller​

While the rke2-ingress-nginx-controller is on RKE2 clusters preinstalled by default, there is a need to set the IngressClass named nginx up as the default class. This is done by running the command:

kubectl patch ingressClass nginx -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"": "true"}}}'

Note: You can specify a non-default IngressClass during the installation of Epinio with helm argument --set ingress.ingressClassName=<className>.

3. Deploy a dynamic storage provisioner​

RKE2 clusters have no storage provisioner installed by default. To support Epinio a storage provisioner is needed. You can use any storage provisioner which provides, preferably, ReadWriteMany (RWX) Access Mode and a default StorageClass resource for dynamic storage provisioning.


To verify that your cluster provides a default StorageClass run the command kubectl get storageclass. The default StorageClass is marked with the string (default) next to its name in the output list.

As an example, you can deploy and configure local-path dynamic storage provisioner by running:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl patch storageclass local-path -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'


For evaluation environments it is recommended to setup Epinio Ingress resources by using a wildcard DNS service such as,, or that points to the INTERNAL-IP address of your kubernetes node.

For advanced and production environments you should configure an external load-balancer solution that listens on a public IP with an associated public FQDN domain. The role of the load-balancer is to perform a redirection of HTTP(S) traffic from the load-balancer endpoint to the internal Ingress resource(s) of the kubernetes cluster.

Beside advanced installation options, there are two ways of installing Epinio:

  1. Installation using a Wildcard DNS Service
  • For test environments. This should work on nearly any kubernetes distribution. Epinio will try to automatically create a magic wildcard DNS domain, e.g.
  1. DNS setup
  • For test and production environments. You will define a system domain, e.g.

Then, continue with the Epinio installation process.