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Version: 1.2.0

Create a custom service

As described in the Service reference page, Epinio services are nothing but descriptions of Helm charts. An operator may add more services by simply creating a Custom Resource in the namespace where Epinio is installed.

As a starting point, you can check the services installed by default for Epinio:

$ kubectl get -A

If Epinio is installed in a namespace called epinio, the following command outputs the Service definition in yaml format:

$ kubectl get -n epinio mysql-dev -o yaml > service.yaml

or you can find the definition of the catalog services here.

Change the fields to point to the desired helm chart and apply the yaml with a command like:

$ kubeclt apply -f service.yaml

If everything worked correctly, you can see your Service in the Epinio service-catalog:

$ epinio service catalog

Adding an Image to the service​

The various consumers of the API (e.g. the web UI of Epinio) can show an icon when listing the various available services. If you want to assign an image to your custom service, make sure you add the serviceIcon field in the Custom Resource yaml.

Generally, helm charts have an icon field defined which already provides such an image. You can find the icon field with the helm show command. E.g. for the bitnami rabbitmq helm chart:

helm show chart | yq .icon

Multiple Secret types​

By default Epinio will look for Opaque secret types to label them as Configurations.
Sometimes this is not enough, so you can define different types with the annotation:

kind: Service
name: myservice
namespace: epinio
annotations: Opaque,BasicAuth,

With this definition, Epinio will get all the Opaque, BasicAuth, and secrets generated during the creation of this Service (any type of secret can be listed).