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Version: 0.9.0

Creating a Minikube Kubernetes Cluster

This how-to was written using the following versions:

Get Minikube Kubernetes Cluster​

Install Minikube​

Follow the instructions to install Minikube on your system.

Create a Minikube kubernetes cluster​

Epinio installation was tested on Minikube with the following drivers: docker, kvm, virtualbox.

Specify the driver you want to use with the --driver option.

$ minikube start --driver=docker

Once the cluster is ready, you need to install the metallb addon:

$ minikube addons enable metallb

Then, you have to configure metallb by giving it an IP address range.
For instance check your minikube IP with minikube ip and choose how many IP addresses you need.

$ minikube ip

As an example, we choose the range
Configure the addon with those values.

$ minikube addons configure metallb
-- Enter Load Balancer Start IP:
-- Enter Load Balancer End IP:
Using image metallb/speaker:v0.9.6
Using image metallb/controller:v0.9.6
metallb was successfully configured

Now you can install Epinio on the Cluster.

Install Epinio on the Cluster​

With Minikube, you'll need to deploy Traefik and cert-manager. All is explained in the Epinio installation process.