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Version: 1.11.0

Cert Manager


The Cert Manager is a component watching for kubernetes Certificate resources and generating Secrets holding the requested certificate data. It can be configured with a variety of issuers for fulfilling these requests. One such issuer is Let's Encrypt.

Epinio uses it to generate the internal certificates used to secure the communication between its components, as well as for the certificates used to secure the application Ingresses.


The Cert Manager is a recommended dependency of Epinio, and not installed by it. In other words, Epinio works best when it has Cert Manager available to it on the cluster, when it is installed.


Epinio development uses Cert Manager version 1.8.2. For details of this version see the releases.

Advanced - Epinio without Cert manager​

When Cert Manager (CM) is not installed installation of Epinio is still possible. It however requires more work on the part of the operator.

Use --set certManager.enabled=false to tell Epinio's helm chart that CM is not available.

Without CM various certificate-holding Secrets normally created automatically via Certificate resources have to be provided by the operator instead.

The associated chart variables to --set are certManager.<placeholder>.cert, certManager.<placeholder>.key, and certManager.<placeholder>.ca.

The recognized values for the placeholder above are dex, epinio, registry, s3, and ui.

Both dex and ui are optional, even when these components are enabled. The Epinio chart then falls back to the data for epinio. The information is ignored when the dex and/or ui components are disabled.

The s3 information applies to whichever internal S3-compatible store is configured when installing Epinio, i.e. minio or s3gw. The s3 information is not applied when Epinio is configured to use an external S3 store.


The certificates for epinio (including workloads) and dex are served through public domains and are permitted to use wildcard domains (e.g. * in their CN/SAN fields.

The certificates for registry and s3(minio) are inter-cluster "private" domains (registry.<ns>.svc.cluster.local and minio.<ns>.svc.cluster.local). The placeholder <ns> refers to the namespace Epinio is installed in.


When used with Minio the s3 certificate cannot use wildcard domains in its CN/SAN fields.

The TLS keys/CSRs/certs can be created manually, see the guide below. Adjust the Subj/CN/SAN values according to the local requirements.

Certificate creation​

Generate root CA key and certificate​

Create and enter a directory for your files:

mkdir certs
cd certs

Create the root CA private key:

openssl genrsa -out CA.key 2048

Create the root CA certificate:

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes \
-subj "/C=DE/ST=Germany/L=Nurnberg/O=SUSE/OU=Epinio/CN=SUSE CA cert/" \
-key CA.key \
-sha256 \
-days 3650 \
-out CA.pem

Create private key, CSR and signed certificate​

Create the private key for your domain:

openssl genrsa -out domain.key 2048

Create a CSR request (The CN field contains your domain):

openssl req -new \
-subj "/C=DE/ST=Germany/L=Nurnberg/O=SUSE/OU=Epinio/" \
-key domain.key \
-out domain.csr

Create an extra openssl configuration for additional SAN entries, if any.

cat > domain.ext <<EOF
keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 =

Create the signed registry certificate from CSR, CA and the extra configuration, if present:

openssl x509 -req -in registry.csr -CA CA.pem -CAkey CA.key \
-CAcreateserial -out registry.pem -days 3650 -sha256 -extfile registry.ext

Verify the new certificate's SAN field.

openssl x509 -in registry.pem -text | grep -A1 'Subject Alternative Name'
> X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:


Under normal circumstances applications request their ingress certificates from CM. Without CM use of routing secrets becomes mandatory.