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epinio app create​

Create just the app, without creating a workload

epinio app create NAME [flags]


      --app-chart string      App chart to use for deployment
-b, --bind strings configurations to bind immediately
-v, --chart-value strings chart customization to be used
-z, --clear-routes clear routes / no routes
-e, --env strings environment variables to be used
-h, --help help for create
-i, --instances int32 The number of instances the application should have (default 1)
-r, --route strings Custom route to use for the application (a subdomain of the default domain will be used if this is not set). Can be set multiple times to use multiple routes with the same application.

Options inherited from parent commands​

  -H, --header stringArray       Add custom header to every request executed
-c, --kubeconfig string (KUBECONFIG) path to a kubeconfig, not required in-cluster
--no-colors Suppress colorized output
--settings-file string (EPINIO_SETTINGS) set path of settings file (default "~/.config/epinio/settings.yaml")
--skip-ssl-verification (SKIP_SSL_VERIFICATION) Skip the verification of TLS certificates
--timeout-multiplier int (EPINIO_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER) Multiply timeouts by this factor (default 1)
--trace-file string (TRACE_FILE) Print trace messages to the specified file
--trace-level int (TRACE_LEVEL) Only print trace messages at or above this level (0 to 255, default 0, print nothing)
--trace-output string (TRACE_OUTPUT) Sets trace output format [text,json] (default "text")
--verbosity int (VERBOSITY) Only print progress messages at or above this level (0 or 1, default 0)