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Version: 1.3.0

epinio app chart show​

Describe application chart

epinio app chart show CHARTNAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for show

Options inherited from parent commands​

  -c, --kubeconfig string        (KUBECONFIG) path to a kubeconfig, not required in-cluster
--no-colors Suppress colorized output
--settings-file string (EPINIO_SETTINGS) set path of settings file (default "~/.config/epinio/settings.yaml")
--skip-ssl-verification (SKIP_SSL_VERIFICATION) Skip the verification of TLS certificates
--timeout-multiplier int (EPINIO_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER) Multiply timeouts by this factor (default 1)
--trace-level int (TRACE_LEVEL) Only print trace messages at or above this level (0 to 255, default 0, print nothing)
--verbosity int (VERBOSITY) Only print progress messages at or above this level (0 or 1, default 0)