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Version: 1.10.0

Customization point: Export Destination Registries

Epinio uses Export Destination Registries (short: EDR) as targets for the app export --registry command. With this command a users is able to export an active application to one of the available registries, as a pair of helm chart and linked container image.

An installation of Epinio does not provide any kind of standard destinations.

If EDR's are desired or needed please follow the instructions on How to create export destination registries and How to export applications to an OCI registry

The remainder of this document contains the definition of EDRs.


An EDR is defined by one or two kubernetes secrets, to be placed into the kubernestes cluster by the Epinio operator.

All secrets have to be placed into Epinio's system namespace. This namespace is usually named epinio.

The authentication secret is labeled with "true" and has to contain a stringData key .dockerconfigjson. The value for this key is a string in JSON format:

# certs: "<name of cert secret here>"
.dockerconfigjson: |-
"auths": {
"(set registry host here)": {
"auth":"(set base64 encoded string of (user:password) here)",
"username":"(set the user name here)",
"password":"(set the password here)"

The name of the authentication secret is the symbolic name of the destination. It will be listed by epinio export-registries and becomes a suitable value for the --registry flag of epinio app export.

The annotation provides Epinio with the name of the namespace/organization in the registry to place uploaded charts and images into.

If the authentication secret contains the optional key certs (as sibling to .dockerconfigjson) then the value of that key is the name of the certificate secret. This secret has to contain a key tls.crt whose value is a PEM-formatted string containing the set of additional secrets required to securely talk to the destination registry.


The type of the authentication secret does not matter to Epinio. The examples use the generic type Opaque.

Example authentication secret, without certificate secret​

Note the placeholders in brackets (<...>). auth is derived from the placeholders.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
annotations: "<registry-org>"
labels: "true"
name: "<destination-name>"
namespace: epinio
# certs: "<name of cert secret here>"
.dockerconfigjson: |-
"auths": {
"": {